Do you have iron deficiency problems or often feel tired and drained?
Iron is an important element present in all cells of our body.
Most of it we have in our blood, more precisely in the red blood cells and in the muscles. It contributes to the normal formation of blood cells and haemoglobin and is also involved in the binding, storage and transport of oxygen.
B-complex is a group of vitamins that are important for our nervous system. In addition to their common function, each of the B vitamins has other important roles in our body, such as fatigue prevention and supporting the immune system.
Folic acid is important for the normal functioning of the immune system, as well as for the normal development of the foetus during pregnancy. Vitamin B2 is important for iron absorption and metabolism, in addition, it acts as an antioxidant and protects our cells from oxidative stress.
Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that protects our cells from oxidative stress. It is needed for the normal functioning of bones, teeth, cartilage, gums, skin and blood vessels.
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